Some months ago I read a long quote about the current
It lamented that the current generation isn’t as
respectful, or responsible
As the ones before it.
It said that the current generation was losing the
And the spirit of its predecessors.
It spoke of political, social and economic decline.
And of the erosion of morality and spirituality.
Reading along, it was easy to think of examples of
failings in all those areas.
It seemed to be a pessimistic, but arguably accurate,
Assessment of our current world.
Look at the loss of civility.
The gross economic inequalities.
Look at the wars and terrorism.
Look at the spread of fear and hate.
The willingness to refuse help to those in need.
Then the article noted that the quote was actually
from the 1700’s.
And mentioned a very similar quote that was attributed
to Socrates,
In 400 BC.
The real message was that the human condition
changed that much over time.
The same complaints and criticisms that were valid
thousands of years ago
Are still valid today.
All generations, like all people, have their strengths
and weaknesses.
Their good and their bad.
In the Reading from the Acts of the Apostles,
Peter exhorted his listeners:
Save yourselves from this corrupt
The corrupt generation that had just crucified Jesus.
Of course, that corrupt generation also included Peter
And Mary Magadalene, and the other Apostles and many
other saints-to-be.
In fact, thousands listening to Peter were cut to the heart
At the realization of
what they’d done.
And they leapt at the opportunity for forgiveness
to receive the Holy Spirit.
To claim what he called the promise made to you and to your children
And to all those far off.
They were converted and baptized that very day.
Now, here we are, 6,000 miles and 2,000 years
that generation in Jerusalem.
We’re clearly among those who Peter referred to as far off.
And, as he realized, we too have received the promise
and the Spirit.
And we too still need the timeless exhortation
That he
spoke to that Pentecost crowd.
Save yourselves from this corrupt
But, having ourselves already received the Holy
We’re called to go a step further.
We’re called to pick up the work of Peter himself.
The work of Jesus himself.
The added call to us is:
Devote yourselves to saving this corrupt
Tuesday Octave of Easter